UPP Kassel



Titel Autor

Steigerung des Wärmenutzungsgrades von KWK-Anlagen in der Kunststoffverarbeitung

Heiko Dunkelberg, Gastbeitrag in: „All-in-One-Compendium, Benchmark Energie – Kunststoffindustrie“, GAME Gesellschaft für angewandte Marktforschung in der Energiewirtschaft mbH · November 2017

 Dunkelberg, H.

Hybrid heating system for increased energy efficiency and flexible control of low temperature heat

Energy Efficiency 6 (4), 1–17 · November 2017

Schumm, G.; Philipp, M.; Schlosser, F.; Hesselbach, J.; Walmsley, T. G.; Atkins, M. J. 
Solar energy and energy efficiency for touristic facilities and destinations

Talk at conference "Energy efficiency and renewable energies in Croatia (focus on tourism industry)", export initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Zagreb, Croatia · 7. November 2017.

 Meschede, H.

Energy management for advanced decentralized energy supply in touristic facilities

Talk at XVII German Portuguese energy symposium "Solar Energy and Biomass for the Tourism Industry", export initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Lisboa, Portugal · 17. October 2017.

 Meschede, H.

Sector Coupling and Demand Side Management - a Contribution Towards Sustainable Islands

Conference Paper at 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (sdewes), Dubrovnik · 06. October 2017

 Meschede, H.; Wiegand, C.

Sector Coupling and Demand Side Management - a Contribution Towards Sustainable Islands

Talk at 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (sdewes), Dubrovnik · 6. October 2017

Meschede, H.; Wiegand, C.

Energy Efficiency and demand side management: A case study of a holistic energy concept in polymer processing

Talk at Global Conference of Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Haifa, Israel · 27. September 2017

 Dunkelberg, H.; Khripko, D.

Flexibilization of Energy Supply Using the Example of Industrial Hall Climatization and Cold Production

Simulation in Production and Logistics 2017, 39-48 · September 2017

Heidrich, T.; Dunkelberg, H.; Weiß, T.; Hesselbach, J.

Prädiktive simulationsgestützte Optimierung von Kältemaschinen im Verbund

Simulation in Production and Logistics 2017, 69-78 · September 2017

Peesel, R.-H.; Schlosser, F.; Schaumburg, C.; Meschede, H.

Cost and carbon reductions from industrial demand-side management: Study of potential savings at a cement plant

Applied Energy 197:100-113 · July 2017

Summerbell, D.; Khripko, D.; Barlow, C.; Hesselbach, J.

Assessment of Influencing Factors in Decentralized Energy Supply of Manufacturing Industries Using Probabilistic Methods

SNE Special Issue Volume 27-2 (2017), 67-76 · June 2017

Dunkelberg, H.; Meschede, H.; Stöhr, F.; Hesselbach, J.

BioPower2Gas - vergleichende Simulation, Demonstration und Evaluation von optimal leistungsregelbaren Biogastechnologien

Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover, Mai 2017

Heidrich, T.; Filzek, D.; Ritter, P.; Heller, T.; Klückers, J.; Fries, S.

Effizienzoptimierter Betrieb von Drehtrommelöfen

GIESSEREI (104) 05/2017, 52-57

Bloemen, K.; Ebersold, F.; Hesselbach, J.

Grundsatzfragen der Abwärmenutzung - Effizienzsteiergungspotenziale in der Industrie durch Abwärmenutzung erschließen

BWK Bd. 69 (2017) Nr. 4, 36-39

Philipp, M.; Schumm, G.; Schlosser, F.; Peesel, R.-H.; Holzhammer, U.

Assessment of probabilistic distributed factors influencing renewable energy supply for hotels using Monte-Carlo methods

Energy 128 (2017), 86-100

Meschede, H.; Dunkelberg, H.; Stöhr, F.; Peesel, R.-H.; Hesselbach, J.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency in touristic facilities and destinations

Talk at conference "Energy efficiency and renewable energies in the Spanish Tourism industry", export initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Gran Canaria, Spain, 28th Mar. 2017.

Meschede, H.

Klimafreundliche Milchprodukte durch effiziente Wärmeversorgung

Deutsche Milchwirtschaft ∙ 2017

Schumm, G.; Philipp, M.; Schlosser, F.

System Efficiency in Dairies

Talk at SmartER Europe Conference, Essen ∙ 09.02.2017

Philipp M.; Schumm, G.; Schlosser, F.; Holzhammer, U.; Walmsley, T. G.; Atkins, M. J
Procedia Manufacturing 8 ( 2017 ) 270–277
14th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, GCSM 3-5 October 2016, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Khripko, D.; Morioka, S. N.; Evans, S.; Hesselbach, J.; de Carvalho, M.M.